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Enrolments are open for the following 2025 classes. 
Keep an eye on this website. Additional classes are frequently added.

To enrol click Book Now for enrolment form.

Stitch Group - Finish that Project
Tutor: Sue Swann


23rd March, 25th May, 22nd June, 27th July, 24th August

28th September, 19th October, 23rd November


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$10 per session


This group is for those interested in getting together once a month and working on an unfinished project.

I will not be teaching a specific project in this class, but will be available to provide assistance with design or technique.  Join us if:

  • You have a project that you have started and want to finish, but just don’t get around to working on it at home,

  • Have been to any of my classes and need assistance getting the project started again,

  • Want to design your own project, but not sure where to start, 

  • You just want the opportunity to stitch and be inspired by the work of others.

Daffodil Schwalm
Tutor: Sandra Brooks

Sunday 30th March

10am - 4pm

Daffodil Schwalm workshop photo 1 - Sandra Brooks.jpg
Daffodil Schwalm workshop photo 2 - Sandra Brooks.jpg
Daffodil Schwalm workshop photo 3 - Sandra Brooks.jpg
Daffodil Schwalm workshop photo 4 - Sandra Brooks.jpg

+ $20 for design & instructions



Schwalm is a German whitework technique characterised by filled elements outlined in both coral stitch and chain stitch. In this workshop, you will be introduced to Schwalm and guided through completing the daffodil design. The design incorporates a range of pulled thread filling stitches.  No prior experience of Schwalm is required. Full instructions will be provided. 


A needs list for the required materials will be supplied.

Tutor: Clare Smith

CLASS FULL Sunday 30th March 2025, 10-4pm. CLASS FULL

NEW CLASS Saturday 29th March 2025, 10-4pm


$95 +
$25 materials fee



Screenprinting and stencilling on fabric or paper.

Learn how to do simple screenprinting using cut or torn paper shapes on fabric or paper.  Learn how to use the squeegee and how to mix and layer colours using transparent , opaque or metallic water based inks.

It is possible to print designs onto clothing such as tshirts, and smaller pieces of fabric for use in quilting or embroidery.

Materials fee $25 includes inks, dyes, mordants and use of screens and squeegees.

​Needs List:

A roll of wide masking tape (3.5-5-cm)

4-5 large yoghurt pots to mix inks and dyes

A few plastic teaspoons for mixing inks

A craft knife or scalpel with sharp blades 

Pencil, eraser and ruler

Paper scissors

Old newspapers

Optional (if you have them already and have transport)

Cutting mat

Silk screen/s and squeegee

Tutor: Mary Self

Saturday 5th April and

Saturday 3rd May 2025 ,

1 - 4

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Dahlia Bud web.jpg
Dahlia Class bud detail web.jpg
Dahlia Detail for web.jpg

+ $30 for materials


Create a three dimensional Dahlia flower with buds and leaves using the addictive art of needle weaving.

This class has been designed to use four shades of Strand yarn. You will be sent a requirements list, but Mary will also have the background linen/cotton mix fabric available in a range of colours. Strand yarn will also be available to a number of shaded colour choices.

The materials cost includes linen and the strand yarn.

Weaving Workshop
Tutor: Robyn Parker

Sundays: 4th May, 18th May, 8th June, 22nd June,

6th July, 20th July 2025

1 - 4pm




Over six sessions you will learn the basics of handweaving.

The class will learn on shaft table looms that students will take home with them between classes. The looms are lent free of charge.

The names and function of each part of the loom will be described.

Students will learn how to choose the correct yarn for a particular project, wind a warp and put it on the loom (dress the loom). The warp is made up of individual threads wound around the loom itself.

Over the six lessons, students will first weave a project chosen by the tutor (a simple scarf) and then one or more projects of their own choice.  Projects could include scarves, tea towels, small bags, table mats or runners etc. You will be guided in your choice of project, how to choose suitable yarns etc


What to bring to the class:-

Scissors, dressmaking tape measure, wool needle, small ruler, pencil/pen and note paper.


Notes will be provided.


Suzani Bird Too
Tutor: Mary Self

Saturday 7th June and

Saturday 5th July 2025 ,

1 - 4pm

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Stitched suzani 2 web_edited.jpg

+ $30 for design pack


This Suzani bird is designed to be a companion to last year's bird, You can either do the new design, a bird with attitude taken from a Suzani embroidery (is this where Dr Suess got his ideas from?) or the smaller Suzani Bird from 2024. 

In this class you will learn a number of crewel stitches with Strand yarn.


The $30 design pack will include a printed linen/cotton  panel of the design, a suggested stitch and color layout and a stitch dictionary.


At the end of the class you will be given detailed stitching instructions.


A Strand wool pack containing the colours used will be available in class. Prices will be different depending which design you choose to do.

Creative Metal
Tutor: Jo Dixey

Sunday 15th June 2025 ,

10 - 3pm

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Creative Metal 2.jpg
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Creative Metal 3.jpg



During this 1 day workshop you will experiment with new ways to use your metal threads. You will create a sampler of ideas that can then be referred to when designing contemporary pieces of embroidery.

Ideal for those that have done some metal thread embroidery and want to expand their use of the threads, or for creative embroiderers who wish to add a metal component to their work.


Needs list:

Embroidery hoop - no smaller than 8”, hands free if you have one.

Washed calico - enough to have a double layer in your hoop.

Any metal threads you have, gold, silver or copper.

Normal sewing thread, pale grey, gold coloured and copper coloured.

Embroidery threads - stranded cottons and cotton perle. 

Sewing kit including size 10 needles 

Notebook and pencil


If you have a velvet board bring it to cut your gold on.


I will bring metal threads that can be purchased on the day if you don’t have any.

Komebukuro Bag
Tutor: Clare Smith

Saturday 28th June 2025 &

Saturday 23rd August,



$110 +
$2 materials fee



Learn how to do 'One Stitch Sashiko' and turn your stitching into a Komebukuro bag (rice bag). Participants will explore a range of different one stich sashiko stitches in class then complete the panels at home ready to return and complete the bag construction in a second class.  The stitched panels could also be used to make pincushions and these are quick to make and make great gifts.  Wooden bowls for the pin cushion will be avaialble to buy in class.


Needs list:  

Basic sewing supplies 

 Fabric scissors, needles, pins, unpicker.

-       fabric pencil (for marking a grid)

-       pencil sharpener

-       Ruler and cutting mat 

-       Sashiko needles or Chenille needles (chenille 22) 

-       Sashiko thread or Perle cotton 5 in chosen colour, embroidery threads

  •        Your glasses if you need them


For the stitched panels

  •        Half metre of pre-washed plain Homespun (I suggest navy).

  •        Half a metre of pre-washed flanelette


For constructing the bag – not needed until second session 

  •        Half a metre of  patterned fabric for lining

  •        Half metre polyester felt or batting, 

  •        2 metres Cord or tape for drawstrings

  •        Sewing machine 


NB Please do not buy anything until the class is confirmed to be going ahead.

Shaded Blackwork
Tutor: Jo Dixey

Saturday 26th July 2025

10am - 3pm

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Blackwork is a counted thread technique where the patterns can be used to create interesting shaded designs. Using different thicknesses of thread or changing the pattern areas of the design can appear lighter or darker.

Spend a few hours learning how this can be done and learn how to move on to creating your own Blackwork designs.

This class is suitable for beginners

Students will need to bring:

Embroidery hoop - 8” is fine

Evenweave fabric - a count you can see. 28tpi or 32tpi are good if you can see to  count the threads. Cotton evenweave or Linen are both fine.

Black stranded cotton, 2 skeins

Fine tapestry needles

Small scissors

Notebook and pencil

The students will stitch the Monstera leaf during the class.

Rising Phoenix Stumpwork
Tutor: Sandra Brooks

Sunday 3rd August, 10am - 4pm

Sunday 17th August, 1 - 4pm

Rising Phoenix Stumpwork workshop photo 1 - Sandra Brooks.jpg
Rising Phoenix Stumpwork workshop photo 2 - Sandra Brooks.jpg
Rising Phoenix Stumpwork workshop photo 4 - Sandra Brooks.jpg
Rising Phoenix Stumpwork workshop photo 3 - Sandra Brooks.jpg

+ $40 for design, instructions and partial kit



In this workshop, you will use a variety of Stumpwork techniques to stitch the elements of the rising Phoenix onto a hand-dyed silk background.  This design includes a number of 3-dimensional techniques using padding and wire. Fabric painting will also be introduced as a method of colouring the silk in one of the elements.  No prior stumpwork experience is required.  


​A needs list for the required materials will be supplied.


Tutor: Clare Smith

Saturday 30th August 2025,

10 - 4pm


$2 materials fee



Boro means rags in Japanese. Small pieces of fabric were layered to make garments or bedding and were heavily stitched to hold them all together and add to the thickness. Gradually the randomness of stitched boro led to the more organised designs of Sashiko and Kogin. In this class you will layer up scraps of fabric and then cut them back to show some of the lower layers. Then a simple running stitch in a contrasting thread holds it all together. The final piece could be made into a wall hanging, used as a panel in a bag or used to patch a garment.

Suitable - beginners to advanced.


Needs lists:

Boro quilt

Sewing machine, extension cord

Fabric scissors, general sewing supplies including stitch unpicker, pins and spare machine needles.

Rotary cutter, ruler and cutting mat

Machine thread in basic colours i.e cream, grey, black, white, navy


Chenille needles (size 22 is good)

Sashiko thread (white or cream is recommended)

Fat quarter Prewashed Calico or homespun fabric (for backing)

Fat quarter cotton batting

Scraps of navy fabric  to cover a fat quarter in size..

Any cotton or silk scraps or old kimono fabric you already own and would like to include.


NB Please do not buy anything until the class is confirmed to be going ahead.

My Life is in Ruins
Tutor: Sue Swann


30th August 10am - 4pm

13th September 2 - 5pm

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Ruins 4.jpg

+ $20 kit



These petroglyps are found on the rocks in the Mojave Desert. It is thought that they probably represent the tribal shamans of the American Indians. Worked on silk paper, dyed in the colours of the desert, personality and texture is added to this piece with surface stitching selected to complement the design.

In this class you will learn how to work an applique technique using silk paper and how to select stitches to compliment the design.  A kit will be provided which includes the background fabric, the silk paper and threads required to complete the project.  Finished size - 22cm x 33 cm.


Suitable for all levels of stitcher. 

Contemporary Or Nue Landscape
Tutor: Jo Dixey

Saturday 6th September

10am - 3pm

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Jo Dixey 3.jpg
Jo Dixey 1_edited.jpg

+ $10 materials



Or Nue is the technique of couching down a metal thread with different colours to create an image. Normally the metal thread runs all in one direction.

The stitches can be put close together to cover the metal thread and create a dark tone. 

During this class you will learn the basics of Or Nue in a contemporary way. Using different colours of metal thread as well as different colours of couching thread together with changing the direction of the metal thread.

Bring your own image of a landscape and translate that into a tiny stitched piece.

Finished size approx 4cm x 5cm.


Needs list:

Landscape image, can be on your phone or printed out.

Embroidery hoop ( hands free if you have one)

Washed calico to fit hoop

Size 10 crewel needles

Stranded cottons to match the colours in your landscape

Notebook and pencil


Material fee is for the metal thread gold, silver and copper.

Stitch a Still Life
Tutor: Mary Self

Saturday 27th September 2025

10am - 4pm

Life is just a bowl of Cherries for web.jpg
Life is just a bowl of Cherries web.jpg
Round Spotted Vase Still Life Framed web.jpg
Tall Spotted Vase Still Life web.jpg

+ material cost to be advised by tutor



Create your own A4 size Still Life with a vase or a bowl containing three dimensional flowers, fruit and /or leaves.

Linen fabric will be available in a range of colours for you to create your own background textured with simple stitches.

A bowl or vase for your flowers and fruit will be appliqued.

Some threads and fabrics will be provided but if you have something special you would like to incorporate into the Still Life you are welcome to bring it along and we can discuss how to best use it. For example, the bowl for the cherries is from an old, embroidered doily and the cherries are red velvet. A piece of lace may look good on the table.

You may not finish completely, but you will have been taught and practised each step.

Advice and options for finishing your piece of work for display will be given.


Delectable Strawberry
Tutor: Katherine Pepperell

Sunday 2nd & Saturday 29th November 2025

10am - 4pm


Class Fee: $150.00
Material cost: $10.00



Traditionally the strawberry is a symbol of love and passion, abundance and prosperity.  For me the strawberry is evocative of long hot summers and Christmas holidays.

In this class you will use pulled thread work and wired stumpwork to stich the fruit and calyx, before being shown how to construct your own delectable strawberry.

A needs list for materials and equipment will be supplied.

Temari Ball Class
Tutor: Clare Smith

Sunday 30th November 

10 - 4pm


+ $10 materials 


In this beginners class you will: Learn how to prepare the temari ball, how to divide it into 8 or 16 equal sections and how to do the basic embroidery stitch.  Two different patterns will be taught but students are welcome to try a more free range approach if they wish.  Perfect for the Christmas tree or as a special present for a friend.

Needs List:

3 shades of one colour of Pearl 5 cotton (just bring all your Pearl Cotton if you have some)

a packet of pins with coloured tops

a reel of cheap overlocking thread or other cheap thread.

Darning needles


NB Please do not buy anything until the class is confirmed to be going ahead.

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